Monday, February 12, 2007

Katelyn's Sweet 16!!!!

Katelyn and Tyler
(please excuse the mantle.... I was in the middle of rearranging pictures and didn't realize I hadn't finished until I held the Katelyn and Tyler photo shoot!)


Katelyn turned 16 years old today. WOW!!! Do I feel OLD!!!! Anyhoo, Katelyn and her boyfriend Tyler decided to have a fancy dinner together to celebrate. Usually we take Katelyn out on her birthday but these 2 had made elaborate plans so we let them go. Tyler ended up getting the "boyfriend of the universe" award with all of the gifts he bought!!!! CLOTHES, PERFUME, FLOWERS!!! And he's ONLY 17! He then took her out to dinner at PF Chang's in Fairfax! It was like a mini prom with them both dressed up and lots of pictures! We are celebrating with our family party on Saturday and we will take Katelyn... AND TYLER out to dinner tomorrow night at Olive Garden. OG is no PF Chang's but hey.... what can you do.

I had to add the above picture. This is Katelyn's homecoming picture from Oct 2006. I should be obvious from the paper covering the poor boy's face that she DID NOT go with Tyler. Katelyn placed this paper on EVERY ONE of her homecoming pictures. I guess I will printing some of the "katelyn and tyler" pictures posted above to replace the homecoming pics. Can't have random pieces of paper taped to pictures all over the house. TEENAGERS!!!!

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