Monday, March 05, 2007

Better late than never????

Kiah at the CNY party hosted by the FFNOVA group

Daddy relaxing at Kiah's party

Is it time for the gifts???

Kiah and Mommy ready to open presents

(Lelo this one is for you since you always say I don't post pics of myself)

Kiah, Danielle and Allen

Kiah and Allen and new fuzzy bunny

Jake getting ready for Kiah's birthday party at Grams

Katelyn at Kiah's birthday party

Kiah playing shy with Dora and Boots

Ok... I have been bad about posting pictures in a timely manner. I could go into a long paragraph about how busy I've been... blah blah blah. We'll just skip all that and get to the pics. Apology accepted???

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