Thursday, November 16, 2006

For all those who have asked questions about Brandon's job...

Bush's "ride"

The guys "ride"

Brandon's got a job he doesn't talk about much. If you ask him what he does he will sideskirt the question. As his wife I find it scary at times. But, I believe he has one of the most honorable jobs in the United States. He protects the Office AND the MAN that is the head of this country. It's hard long hours... he works lots of weekends, holidays, etc. Travels as well. But... he never complains. He puts on his uniform and his gear and he goes. I still get a shiver in my spine when he talks about being on the South Grounds of the White House the morning of 9/11. How he and his team mates watched people run from the White House as they stood their ground just waiting.... He briefly talks about feeling the bullet proof glass on the guardshacks reverberate with the sound and shock as the plane crashed into the Pentagon. He still mentions nightmares he has about plane attacks on the White House. He has a strict standing order that none of us go into DC while he is at work. He feels he would be unable to protect us if something were to happen as his job is to something and someone else. I am awed by his work ethic and loyalty to his team mates, his job and the Service. He sums it up by saying he's not paid for what he does... but for what he's EXPECTED to do. I am honered to be married to you baby.


kitchu said...

Thanks for sharing this Nicole... I admire SO much what Brandon does and it saddens me to think that we never made it up to see you guys... things change for a reason I guess, maybe someday I'll make my way to your neck of the woods~!
Love Luke's site by the way! I can't believe how many jan/feb dtc'ers are going back for #2 and 3 already! Can't wait to have my first!!!
Take care,

Julie said...

Ok that is SO not the mild-mannered guy who made tea on my stove last weekend! LOL! Brandon you look great in that uniform and I'm proud to know you -- stay safe up there!