Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cleft Video.

I wanted to post the above video created by Love Without Boundaries (LWB). Earlier this year, before we even knew about Luke, Katelyn and I did a cleft bottle fundraiser. We chose 20 families and Katelyn sent a letter out to each family explaining how cleft babies are unable to get proper nutrition from regular bottles due to their lip and palate issues. Cleft babies need special cleft bottles in order to get proper nutrition. Our fundraiser was very sucessful and we were able to purchase more than 2 cases of cleft bottles. LWB offered to ship these bottles to China for us and they then distributed the bottles to needy orphanages throughout China. Now that we are bringing Luke home, those cleft bottles mean even more to us. Luke was born in October 2005 and received surgery for his cleft lip in March 2006. When he arrived at the orphanage at the age of 4 days, we believe he had not been able to eat since his birth. He was jaundiced and crying uncontrollably. The orphanage was able to feed him with the help of special feeding equipment such as these cleft bottles. I truly THANK GOD for organizations such as LWB. They make such a difference in the lives of children in China.

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