Friday, August 04, 2006

The kids in their new underwear!

Kiah multi-tasking.... she's posing for her picture and counting some quarters she swiped from Jake's quarter collection!

Posing with a vaccuum cleaner attachment..... Whatever makes her happy!

Jake giving a thumbs up for his new Superman underwear.... which he has on BACKWARDS so he can see the picture better. He has been doing this for months and let me tell ya.... it LOOKS uncomfortable!!! Sorta like an almost thong on a 4 year old boy!!!

Up close and personal! SIDE NOTE: This picture was taken 3 minutes after Kiah has successfully pee-peed in the potty. 10 seconds after this picture was taken she christened the hard wood floors!

Both little ones recently got some new underwear and for SOME REASON this was a HUGE deal to them. Jake got some Superman underwear (to add to his already 20+ pair collection of various superheros, Spongebob, Cars, Batman, Spiderman, etc.) and Kiah got her first pairs of "big girl" underwear. At 17 months of age she has been showing signs of potty training for a couple of months now. She has done both types of stuff on the potty so we decided to try some underwear on for size.

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